
To make the next 30 days even more interesting, we are creating a P9 Reward Points System.

Throughout the P9FIT program, you will have the opportunity to earn points by completing any or all of a series of tasks detailed below. The tasks are many, varied, and meant for anyone to do. You can complete as many of them as you’d like to earn as many points as possible! Of course, we will have a great prize for both the individual with the most amount of points AND for the group which collectively collects the most points during the 30 days! Each Coach will be responsible for keeping track of their team member’s points so be sure to let him or her know when you have completed a task.

Here is a list of tasks you can complete and earn points for. They are designed so that everyone can earn them, have fun in the process, and inspire one another to fight for their transformations!

* RULES: In order for a participant to be awarded a P9 Rewards point, he/she MUST perform the task LIVE, in front of their coach, or send proof to their coach via their WhatsApp group. Unfortunately, we cannot go through each participant’s Instagram account looking for completed tasks.

Diet Challenges:

  1. Complete one of our weekly challenges (to be announced) (1 POINT) (a post on instagram and a tag of @cfp9.hallandale will earn you 1 EXTRA POINT)

  2. Win one of our weekly challenges (5 POINTS)

  3. Achieve your macro-nutrient goals (proteins, carbs, and fats) exactly as suggested by Anna Lou in your Macros PDF, post it on Instagram and tag @cfp9.hallandale. (2 POINTS)

  4. Post a healthy recipe on Instagram that contains only natural ingredients and tag @cfp9.hallandale (1 POINT)

  5. Create and post a picture on Instagram of a macro-balanced plate explaining how many grams of each macro-nutrient are included and the corresponding percentage of calories for each (remember that 1g Protein = 4 Cals, 1g of Carbs = 4 Cals, and 1g of Fat = 9 Cals) and tag @cfp9.hallandale (1 POINT)

  6. Post a video of you mixing together a “Green” macro-balanced smoothie with all natural ingredients and tag @cfp9.hallandale (1 POINT)

Workout Challenges:

  1. Complete a P9Abs workout on the day of the workout (1 POINT) (a post on Instagram of you doing it and tagging @cfp9.hallandale will earn you 1 EXTRA POINT)

  2. Perform 40 Strict Push-Ups (Women may perform these on their knees) (1 POINT) (a post on Instagram of you doing it and tagging @cfp9.hallandale will earn you 1 EXTRA POINT) (Only valid once per day)

  3. Perform 40 Strict Push-Ups (Women may perform these on their knees) per day for 5 days straight (5 POINTS) (a post on Instagram of all 5 days and tagging @cfp9.hallandale will earn you 1 EXTRA POINT)

  4. Perform 20 Unassisted Pull-Ups (1 POINT) (a post on Instagram of you doing it and tagging @cfp9.hallandale will earn you 1 EXTRA POINT) (Only valid once per day)

  5. Perform 20 Unassisted Pull-Ups per day for 5 days straight (5 POINTS) (a post on Instagram of all 5 days and tagging @cfp9.hallandale will earn you 1 EXTRA POINT)

  6. Perform 30 Double Unders unbroken (3 POINTS) (a post on Instagram of you doing it and tagging @cfp9.hallandale will earn you 1 EXTRA POINT) (Only valid once)

  7. Complete one of our weekly challenges (5 POINTS)

  8. Win one of our weekly challenges (10 POINTS)

  9. Attend 5 CFP9 Classes in one week (3 POINTS)

  10. Attend 2 P9 Classes (Barbell, Circuit, Endurance, or Maromba) during 1 week (2 POINTS)

  11. Attend one of our Sunday classes (3 POINTS)

  12. Do an outdoor activity outside of the box such as biking, hiking, swimming, etc. (3 POINTS) (a post on instagram and a tag of @cfp9.hallandale will earn you 1 EXTRA POINT)


  1. Publish a post on Instagram about your personal story and why you decided to participate in P9FIT (10 POINTS!)

  2. Share a photo or video with your friend(s) doing an exercise together (P9Abs, Weekly Challenge, P9 Rewards, etc.) and tag @cfp9.hallandale (2 POINTS)

  3. Take a picture in front of CFP9 (with the CFP9 sign in the background) and post it on Instagram and tag @cfp9.hallandale (2 POINTS)


  1. Add your results for a WOD on the Wodify app (1 POINT)

  2. Introduce a friend to CFP9 and get them to sign up for a membership plan (5 POINTS)

  3. Attend an event outside the box with at least 5 members of your group (Black, Blue, Green, Red, or Yellow) and/or other groups (NOT drinking alcohol or eating unhealthy foods!!) (3 POINTS) (a post on instagram and a tag of @cfp9.hallandale will earn you 1 EXTRA POINT)